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How to stop your cat from biting

 by yunus on 17 Aug 2016 |
4 Comment(s)
As much as it may alarm you, all cats have a reason when they bite. Whether it’s a reaction to pain or a simple message to get lost, your cat is trying to communication with his biting behavior, and determining the underlying cause is key to solving Kitty’s chewing conundrum.
Kittens bite as part of rough play, which teaches them to hunt for food and protect themselves as adults. Encouraging your full-grown cat to continue this type of play, however, won’t do you any favors. Cats—especially housecats that are lonely or under-stimulated—may engage in roughhousing to alleviate their boredom and burn excess energy. Your cat may also nip at you to get your attention, so pay attention next time to see if he tries to lead you off in some direction or meows immediately after biting: He may be trying to tell you to feed him, let him outside or tidy up the litter box. If however, your cat nips without backing down or showing any playful or affectionate behavior afterwards, he is likely trying to assert his dominance. Other reasons for biting include overstimulation; fear or anxiety when dogs, children or other disturbances enter the household; or pain due to an ailment, such as arthritis or an infected tooth.
Once you’re sure your cat isn’t biting due to pain from an illness or injury, you can begin working to change his behavior. If your cat’s biting stems from play fighting, rule Number One is to never use your hand as a toy. Instead, offer your cat a mouse or bird tied to a string and engage him in playtime several times a day. This will help burn off excess energy and cure boredom. If your cat goes after your hands or feet during playtime, however, stop the game immediately and walk away. After a few attempts, he should get the memo that biting cuts play short. If your cat bites when you go to pet him, or is twitching his tail, flattening his ears or otherwise appears agitated, he is trying to tell you not to touch him at that time. Respect your pet’s boundaries by not petting your cat when he is clearly agitated. Likewise, if you know your cat becomes over-stimulated after five minutes of petting, stop at three to avoid a nipping debacle. If none of the above sounds like your pet, his biting may be due to anxiety. Cats can become fearful when new people, dogs or even noises enter their households. If the source of Kitty’s discontent isn’t temporary, such as a visit from the neighbor’s children, consider easing his tension with a pheromone diffuser such as Feliway, which releases feel-good chemicals to help Kitty feel more secure.
Remember, every cat is different, so it’s important to identify your pet’s own reasons for biting. If you’ve tried troubleshooting and still can’t find a reason for the behavior, speak to your veterinarian, who can rule out illnesses and offer suggestions for your feline friend.


Mr B - Comment
Mr B17 Aug 2016Reply
My 2 year old cat stopped biting when I brought home a kitten! This was also the case for a close friend with a biting cat just a few months old that she adopted . As soon as a second kitty cat was there the biting stopped! I was so happy because the biting made me sad and thrilled when it stopped!
Dalila - Comment
Dalila26 Aug 2016Reply
My cat doesnt exactly bite but holds my hand in his mouth when I am stroking him, he never bites but does this often, just a hold of my hand in his mouth, why does he do this, I am unsure whether to tell him off or not as he was a feral cat that adopted us, even though we have 2 other cats and 3 dogs, which he was really scared of but fine now. He is my cat and he lets everyone know I am his, so why woud he get hold of my hand with his mouth?
Tex - Comment
Tex27 Aug 2016Reply
I have 14 inside cats. A very common thing that they do is, they will come to me and very lightly nip me, then they will wrap there paws around my hand are arm and start purring and licking my hand. They'll holding it close to them. At the same time I rub there neck. Some time they'll just hold my finger in there teeth very lightly lick my finger at the same time. At time I'll play a little to hard with them using my hand. If they hurt me I just stop and don't move my hand. then I'll go OU OU OU and they will stop the play and start licking my hand. If there is blood they will hold my hand close to them and lick it and purr until I say it's OK. If I'm laying down they like to groom my bald head and long beard.
Joel Markman - Comment
Joel Markman15 Sep 2016Reply
Shame on you. Cat's bite to express their love--as anyone who has ever seen two cats mating knows.

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