How To Toilet Train Your Dog Effectively

When you bring a new puppy home, a crucial part of integrating them into your home and preparing them to be a mature adult is to toilet train them.
Depending on your preferences, there are a variety of approaches you could adopt to ensure successful and efficient results. The following tips are the basics that will garantee the results you want. This is based on reward-based positive reinforcement training.
Depending on your preferences, there are a variety of approaches you could adopt to ensure successful and efficient results. The following tips are the basics that will garantee the results you want. This is based on reward-based positive reinforcement training.
- Provide plenty of opportunities to go outside.
- Allow your dog the opportunity to go first thing in the morning, last thing at night,10-30 minutes after waking from a nap or eating and every two-three hours after that. Yep, toilet training is a massive commitment!
- Choose a designated spot outside and always take your pup to that spot.
- Everytime they eliminate where you would like them to, remember to praise them. Be sure to do this immediately after a successful trip to the toilet so your dog can quickly associate going to the toilet with a reward.
- Whilst toilet training, you will need to provide constant supervision. This may mean taking time from work, which can be inconvenient, but it will certainly fast-track successful toilet training!
- If you're going to be out or asleep for more than 2-3 hours then place your pup in their crate (if crate trained) or in a secure room with papers down to control where elimination occurs.
- Remember to NEVER punish your dog for incorrect emlimination. Puppies are unable to hold onto their bladder like adults can, so sometimes it's simply impossible for them to hold until you take them.
If you feel you could benefit with some extra equipment to help with the training process, we have a variety of sprays and training pads (plus more) that can help your puppy, or even older dogs on their way to toilet training success in no time at all!